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joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Intellectual theft

In case of problems in social life, not strictly legal to work in order to distinguish some grave acts that constitute crimes, the other less serious, are not found in the sphere of the latter, the responsibility for them being other than criminal nature.

Thus, it difficult to not fit the offense of theft, the act of deprivation of a person of a sum of money, making the act of parking a car without the consent of the owner or simply taking property without right of a car such as stereo speakers, spare wheel or other such goods.

Making a summary, we could say that such facts are pretty easy to recognize and differentiate, criminality compared to other existing penal code, aimed at stripping away that the owner of a property without his consent and in this way creating a loss more or less important.

Are we still concentrate on the following situations: "a person who invents an irrigation system with exceptional qualities is its only purpose watering plants and not waste space between them, leading to the invention considerably reducing water consumption cantitantea used about half of normal.

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Knowing that water reserves will not last forever, and this invention is particularly beneficial for both crops and for humanity, the inventor is eager to present their idea approved industry people without their discovery in May register at the office of State Peter inventions and brands, briefly OSIM, thus obtaining a patent that will give exclusive rights to his invention.

People who present invention is concerned, not reject the idea of implementing the system but require a short time of thinking. Subsequently, however, by no means too orthodox, the idea is conveyed, or rather "tip is sold" to other people outside the country that enforce this mechanism, and thanks to the success of the invention will enjoy, they will attach their inventors, not to keep in mind that AA was not their idea.

If this situation many of us say with contempt "I stole it!"

Here is the problem ... For despite the fact that those people were being used in bad faith by that idea, winning huge sums of money, the law does not fit into this deed theft, although the right is a private inventor is worth much meant than a simple car stereo. However the inventor, can not address the criminal courts, he having only opened the way for actions of civil nature.

I think because of more frequent confrontation in society with such cases should follow the example of other countries who now starts a new regulation on the provision and nature of criminal penalty for persons committing this malicious "intellectual theft .

Valentine Powder

Legal adviser

Administrator: www.e-juridic.ro

Waiting and your views about the subject of editorial above, the address infojuridic@rs.ro

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